Improve Yourself with Hypnotherapy

Anger Management
Bad Habits
Eating Disorders
Finding Meaning and Purpose
Inner Critic
Lose Weight with Hypnotherapy
How would you like to look? If one of the answers that pops into your head is slim, then let Edinburgh Hypnosis help you every step of the way towards achieving that. We can tailor your weight loss programme to your specific needs.

It doesn’t matter if you’re severely overweight or you desire to lose a few pounds before jetting off for a summer vacation, we will lend a sympathetic ear and provide a successful approach.

Recent studies have shown that around 25% of people in the UK are classed as obese. That has trebled over the last 25 years. Lets make a start together and bring these statistics down.

Furthermore, research has proven that hypnotherapy is an extremely successful method of losing weight easily and safely. It can help you, if you want, to stop eating chocolate and crisps and substitute those foods with healthier alternatives and motivate you to keep the weight off.

Be the person you want to be and feel good about yourself.

Money Worries
Nail Biting
Over Thinking
Public Speaking
Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy
Smoking is a habit and an addiction. Most people smoke as a matter of routine or to relieve tenison and anxiety. Working with you we can break this pattern.
Lets say you smoke 20 cigarettes a day and a pack of 20 cigarettes costs £7. How much does this cost you a year?
1 week = £7 x 7 = £49
1 month = £49 x 4 = £196
1 year = £196 x 12 = £2,352
That is an incredible amount of money. Just think what else you could spend that money on.
Additionally, there are severe health risks attached to smoking. Smoking directly causes 100,000 deaths in the UK alone from smoking related cancers, cardiovascular diseases and other illnesses. Furthermore, it can affect your fertility, stain your teeth and gums and can worsen your asthma.
Studies have shown an exceptional amount of people quit smoking from one session of hypnotherapy.
Speech Disorders
Time Management
Attracting Love Into Your Life
Business Failure
Deep Relaxation
Driving Test Nerves
Exam Stress
How would you like to enter an exam hall thinking you had passed even before you had turned the paper over? Or be able to study better because you were relaxed and composed reading the material? Be able to absorb information much easier? Sound good? Then let Edinburgh Hypnosis, with hypnotherapy assist you.

Not long ago, Stuart found himself struggling to revise for his university exams and then his professional accounting exams. He only wished he had found hypnotherapy then to help him prepare for, what seemed like, endless exams. Stuart is aware of the last minute panic when you feel you haven’t studied enough, you worry that you have revised the wrong topics or can’t sleep the night before the exam.

At Edinburgh Hypnosis we specialise in assisting students at any level, to feel more confident about their exams and to help them obtain what they deserve for their efforts.

​There is no getting away from the fact that passing an exam takes effort, but investing in the right mindset can help you on the road to success.

Feeling Overwhelmed
Interview Nerves
Marriage Nerves
No Motivation
Negative to Positive Thinking
Over Spending
Recurring Dreams
Sports Performance
Stuart is a keen and competitive sportsman himself and is aware that the mental attitude with which you approach your sport is critical nowadays to improve your standard of play. Hypnotherapy can allow you to mentally prepare for a shot, match, or an opponent so that when the time comes to perform, you do so with a confident and composed mindset.

Imagine managing to control your emotions while playing, feeling great with every move, no longer beating yourself up for bad shots and most importantly, being able to perform at the level you desire. You can control your anger and increase your concentration with hypnotherapy.

Whether you’re a professional sportsperson or an amateur wanting to improve your skills, here at Edinburgh Hypnosis we are dedicated and motivated to assist you with hypnotherapy.

We’ll give you the mindset that will send you over the winning line.

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